365, Album of the Day 2014

One Year, 365 Different Albums.

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#365AOTD 91 “9th” April Fool’s Day 2007


In doing research on today’s AOTD artist, I could not find much. They originate from Spain and seem to have made a small name for themselves across the pond. Their website was en Español. Funny, I started listening to “9th” today in the shower and thought the album was in English; it’s a little hard to hear their words and all of the song titles are in English. After further review, the slightly muffled vocals are indeed not en Inglés; perhaps there is a touch of English on the disc. It is a hybrid of sorts. LOL. The April Fool’s Joke is on me!

No matter, the music alone is fine. April Fool’s Day creates a fuzzy, slower, dream pop landscape. I enjoyed the moony layers and shades of cooler toned textures in songs like Paper Folds and The Farewell of a Sad Clown. Three Small Sponge Cakes…has a mid-tempo cadence of jangle pop delight. Pendular Rhythms has the right balance of electronic synth, bright yet subdued guitar, subtle bass, harmonic, hypnotic voices and understated drumming.

“9th” has a certain intensity that bodes well on a rainy day in the country or a Sunday brunch at the new hip bistro in Barcelona. This album caters best to a mellow, yet melodic mood. I certainly chilled out to its laid-back vibe; ‘twas a nice musical nap.
