365, Album of the Day 2014

One Year, 365 Different Albums.

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#365AOTD 97 “Ad Explorata” Sound Tribe Sector 9 2009

Ad Explorata

Dreary. Damp. Dank.

My weekend was filled with a myriad of moods: Frustration, Joy, Gratitude, Irritation, Contentment, Anxiety, Disappointment, Denial. Sigh.

Some of these emotions lingered into this wet Monday. Sound Tribe was exactly what the doctor ordered; I needed something that would be a nice distraction without making me think too much. “Ad Explorata” was ideal. This dreamy, subtle record can make you morph into your own imagined fantasyland. In my case, it helped me ride my emotions without being forced to abruptly change them. That task, I thought, would be too difficult. So I allowed myself to have the music take the lead for awhile. ‘Twas nice to get out of my head for a stretch. STS9 delivered and saved me from myself. Ha.

Under a moonless sky, surreal electronica meets the night. Crypto City, Atlas and Phoneme are my preferred textures. Even better was the sense of hope found in the song Re:Stereo and in the last track Echoes. During a gloomy day, optimism found in music is that ray of warm sunshine that we all wish for. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
