365, Album of the Day 2014

One Year, 365 Different Albums.

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#365AOTD 106 “Music from Big Pink” The Band 1968

Music from Big Pink

After touring with Bob Dylan as Dylan’s band, some of the musicians lived in the Woodstock, NY area. Here, in the Summer of Love, Dylan and the Band would record what would become known as “The Basement Tapes.” Out of these jam sessions, “Music from Big Pink’ would be released a year later. Not only does Bob Dylan co-write three songs on the record, he paints the cover art for the album. Here again we have a debut album that hits the ball out of the park. Considered one of the most important records in rock, it lands on Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Albums at number 34.

When I listen to “Music from Big Pink,” I feel like I have just left church, the music goes right past your skin and into your soul. The music is organic and breathes. It is a masterpiece all to itself. I don’t feel there is much more that I could write about this great record except this: Danko, Helm, Hudson, Manuel and Robertson. Enough said.