365, Album of the Day 2014

One Year, 365 Different Albums.

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#365AOTD 118 “Pyromania” Def Leppard 1983


Back in the day, “Pyromania” was all over the radio. You were cool if you listened to Def Leppard. Truth be told, I was never into the hair bands or that 80’s Metal Sound nor will I ever be. So why am I doing this record? I’ll tell ya, I loved the flames coming out of the building seen through the scope on the front of the record. I bought the cassette because of the cover, and I wanted to be cool. I am also pretty certain that I had a black t-shirt with the long white sleeves with the “Pyro” artwork on it. Oh yeah! In hearing this album today, and for the first time in its entirety, I can see what all the hubbub was about. The hit songs like Foolin’, Photograph and my fav Rock of Ages are indeed legit. A classic from the era, every now and then it is good to step out of my preferred genres.