365, Album of the Day 2014

One Year, 365 Different Albums.

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#365AOTD 298 “Like a Virgin” Madonna 1984

Like a Virgin

Touched for the very first time.

Are there scores and scores of better female singers, better female musicians and better female songwriters than Madonna? Yes. But no one has done more for women in popular music, and that includes rock, country and R&B, in the past three decades than Madonna. Madonna changed the game. Her in your face, this is who I am, a sexual, smart, beautiful human being, attitude exploded when she released her sophomore album “Like a Virgin” thirty years ago. She basically told the old, white male establishment, who were controlling the music business, to fuck off! This is why Madonna is a pioneer and a trail blazer. Hundreds and hundreds of women in music have benefited from Madonna’s kicking in the door. I think people are  finally seeing this after the amazing career that she has had and continues to have. Too often, people only focused on her provocative songs or open sexuality or her rebel mentality. Yet, she was just being real. People weren’t used to someone, especially a young, confident woman, being so brash and speaking her mind Plus this is America and the media sharks are always looking for blood in the water to feed off of. Madonna gave them pints full. Of course, Madonna is another artist that benefited immensely from MTV. Madonna and the video medium were a perfect match. Back to Madge’s longevity, I liken her to a group like U2. Both are super stars because they always change with the times while still staying true to who they are. One of Madonna’s genius was re-inventing herself over and over again while still seeming fresh and relevant. So few have done that. Perhaps my greatest admiration of her is she an extraordinarily savvy business woman. She has dictated her music choices and the path of career on her own terms. Its laughable to think of people who used to be so threatened by Madonna or who felt she was a bad influence or horrible roll model for their young, impressionable daughters. Pa-lease! Madonna has more balls than you will ever have. She is also one hell of a hard working entertainer. I had always heard that she put on a great show. A few years back I finally got to catch her on the MDNA tour. 54 and running around the stage like a 32 year old, she showed why she is one of the all time best performers, hands down.   With the exception of her diva move of being hours late to perform, and I mean hours, she  put 100% of herself into the performance. Oh, and perhaps I should mention her dancing skills. Few has the moves like Madonna; bitch can pretty much out dance anybody! I could go on and on about how important Madonna has been on people who are probably not even wise enough to realize it. But let me go back to where it pretty much started, the early ’80s.

Having released two somewhat successful singles prior to her self-titled debut record, it was Lucky Star, Borderline and Holiday from that LP that got Madonna increased radio and MTV play. When “Like a Virgin” hit record stores, Madonna exploded. The rest they say is history, and in fact, the rest is history. Even with better albums in her catalogue, “Like a Virgin” is Madonna’s most definitive release. I owned my copy on cassette. With these four hits, Angel, Material Girl, Dress You Up and the title track, it was a number one record. Now wouldn’t you just know it that Nile Rodgers got his fellow Chic buddies to play on it and helped Madonna produce the album. That seems right. From “Like a Virgin” Madonna took off like a rocket to the moon. So when you think of it, “Like a Virgin” is a pivotal moment in music. Again, the impact of Madonna is immeasurable. Her ability to create practically perfect pop and dance songs is amazing. She truly is the “Queen of Pop.”

As you might be able to imagine, I am not a Madonna regular. But I have the utmost respect for this woman. I completely get her relevance and importance. Plus, I am capable of liking some kick ass pop music like the next music snob. And really, some of her tunes are just too good to ignore. But most of all, Madonna is a part of my life. I was 14 when “Like a Virgin” was released. I’ve grown up with Madonna in the world. Whether I tuned in or not, she has always been there. More so, Madonna is apart of our collective culture and lexicon. She has been that big. I was thrilled to get to see her in 2012. I mean, we are talking about Madonna, people. MADONNA!