365, Album of the Day 2014

One Year, 365 Different Albums.

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#365AOTD 302 “The Milk of Human Kindness” Caribou 2005


With just a little more than five dozen days left in the year, I am running out of space for albums I want to do. Thus, Caribou was put on the maybe list. Thankfully, I came to my senses and put Caribou back in the keep column. I don’t mind telling you that he could have ended up on the cutting room floor, it was close. Oh, and by he, I mean Daniel Snaith. He is the face behind the Caribou monkier. On the way into the office today, I enjoyed “The Milk of Human Kindness” through my car speakers. Thankfully for me, my musical commute choice was spot on.

Described on Wikipedia as having a folktronic and neo-psychedelia sound,^ “Milk” is really a menagerie of great indie fare; think My Bloody Valentine meets Yo La Tengo with dollops of Beastie Boys, Elliott Smith and Spoon, just to name a few, in the mix. Of course this wonderful creation of sights and sounds are hand crafted by Chef Caribou, he confidently leaves his mark. Album highlights for me were: Bees, Pelican Narrows, Lord Leopard, Brahminy Kite and the crème de la crème of the disc, A Final Warning. I have a few other Caribou records in my library that I also enjoy from time to time. In fact I’ve even made a Caribou playlist that I call the Caribou mix. And from the looks of things, Caribou just released a new album, “Our Love,” earlier this month. Guess what I’m gonna listen to on my way home tonight?
