365, Album of the Day 2014

One Year, 365 Different Albums.

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#365AOTD 330 “My Father’s Face” Leo Kottke 1989

My Father's Face

Everyday in the morning when you get up and you crawl out of bed, and you crawl out of bed, and you crawl out of bed…

In recent posts I have been mentioning my college friend Crane. Back in those days, she became smitten with fellow student Jamie. They started courting, yada, yada, yada, and eventually got hitched 14 years ago. I have several found memories of Jamie from this time in our lives. Perhaps the most famous is when we saw a Rolls Royce and asked the chauffeur if he, had by chance any Grey Poupon? You do recall those commercials don’t you? Well by George, He Did! Now for young 20 somethings, this tickled us to now end. Oh how those were the days. Later that evening Jamie and I were invited to a swanky party for the people we were temporarily working for. Here is another infamous moment where yours truly had way too much to drink and had an incident in the bathroom with my skirt. It wasn’t as bad as you might imagine, but there was dram-a none the less. Did I mention that I had been consuming alcohol? As I carefully stumbled down the big-ass stair case, it was Jamie who came to my rescue and drove me home. Whew. I may still owe him one for that night. Something else that Jamie did was introducing me to Leo Kottke; specifically this AOTD, “My Father’s Face.”

It’s Thanksgiving Eve and it’s cold, raining and there is a threat of some snow later this afternoon. This should make for a fun commute to my part time job in a few. I shalln’t complain when others parts have recently gotten crazy amounts of snow; and nearer to me, they will get snow, too. I think my turkey neck of the woods will get spared much of the white stuff. So what’s a little rain really? What has already made the day a little warmer was Kottke’s 15th studio release. Before I get into the nuts and bolts of “My Father’s Face,” let’s just get the obvious out of the way now, if you are not aware, Leo Kottke is a guitar virtuoso. Using his own unique fingerpicking style, Kottke creates syncopated and polyphonic melodies. He draws on influences from blues, jazz, and folk music in his playing.^ In my #365AOTD 322 post on Joni Mitchell’s “Court and Spark” I criticize Rolling Stone Magazine’s 100 Greatest Guitarist list because they had Joni too low. I also give that list hell in my #365AOTD 296 blog for omitting Ani DiFranco from the ranks. Perhaps the greatest mistake is excluding Leo Kottke. Because of this, the entire list should be null and void. I am not overstating what a sensational guitarist Kottke is. He is all that plus a factory filled with bags of chips. Oh dear, I seem to be getting sidetracked as I am known to do. Where was I? That’s right, “My Father’s Face.”

One short of a dozen songs, this disc showcases Leo’s amazing playing ability while offering music that makes you feel good. His sound blends the genres that I have already mentioned, blues and jazz with a smidgen of new age and several cups of acoustic new folk. Leo will also occasionally sing a few numbers. His baritone voice reminds me of a cross between Leonard Cohen and Bruce Cockburn. Plus, having a sarcastic, biting sense of humor, his lyrics cut to the point, “Why can’t you fix my car? What kind of fool you are?”

The entire record is enjoyable, but If I had to pick a couple of my favs I would have to say, Theme from “Rick and Bob Report,” B.J., Times Twelve, Mona Ray, Back in Buffalo, Jack Gets Up, Why Can’t You Fix my Car and William Powell.

This just in, snow is now mixing with the rain outside. I better go and prepare for what is to come. I do have plenty of toilet paper and milk in the house.
