365, Album of the Day 2014

One Year, 365 Different Albums.

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#365AOTD 347 ‘The Reindeer Room Volume 2″ Various Artists 2003

Reindeer Room Vol 2

Don’t you hate it when you are throwing shin ding, oh let’s call it this: The 2nd Annual Christmas Costume Potluck Party, Costume Optional, and you are running out of time. Thus is the case for me. I have what seems like a hundred more things to do, not to mention shower, before the strike of six! Sweet Baby Jesus. Thankfully, I have “The Reindeer Room Volume 2,” featuring artists like L.E.D. and Panaphonic, Cortex Cure, Spooky Monkey and Harmony, DJ Trax, Charles Afton and Billy Paul Williams and Nicole Henry to help me along. Thank God.