365, Album of the Day 2014

One Year, 365 Different Albums.

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#365AOTD 348 “Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars” Edie Brickell & the New Bohemians 1988


I remember you put a chill across my face
Like the air of December, I swear I remember it that way

Just a few months after I graduated high school, Edie Brickell & the New Bohemians released their debut effort, the wonderful folk rock album, “Shooting Rubber Bands at the Stars.” I have been a fan of this LP ever since. Starting with the record’s signature single, What I Am, and continuing with tracks like Little Miss S., Nothing, Love Like We Do, Air of December, She and The Wheel. “SRATS” is finding that primo parking space while shopping two weeks before Christmas, and you know how crazy it can get out there. There’s an overall mood to this album that has always been appealing, enticing and not too heavy, not too light. It’s like Breyer’s Natural Vanilla Ice Cream, it goes with almost everything. Today, “Shooting Rubber Bands at the Stars” went splendidly with my tired, dragging ass self before my holiday part time gig. By the way, my party was a big smash last night, thus the sleepy me, thanks for asking.