365, Album of the Day 2014

One Year, 365 Different Albums.

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#365AOTD 362 “Because of the Times” Kings of Leon 2007

Because of the Times

The last six days of 2014 are sponsored by the number 7. Today is day four.

Homegrown. Rock to the rhythm and bop to the beat of the radio.

In the early winter of 2009, my friend Jaye and I were driving to Pittsburgh to see the AFC Championship game between the Steelers and the Baltimore Ravens. For those who may not know me that well, I am a die-hard Pittsburgh fan, bleed black and gold and DESPISE the Ravens. My life is made more frustrating since I live about 16 miles from the Charm City line. This is my home. I was born in DC, graduated high school in PG County and consider myself a Maryland girl. But, I grew up in Western Pennsylvania. And for as long as I have been here, you would think I would get used to all the Ravens bullshit that surrounds me. After all, this is their land. No. I still get annoyed seeing the purple stuff in the stores and people wearing their Raven’s paraphernalia everywhere. UGH! Back to the AFC Championship game, the Steelers won, having beaten the Ravens for the third straight time that season, and went on to win their sixth Super Bowl. Represent. I believe it was on the drive back from the Burgh when Jaye put in a Kings of Leon CD. Another friend of mine’s daughter had also been telling me about this band for a few years and suggested I listen to them. I’ll admit, I wasn’t paying that close of attention to them until the
song Manhattan came on. I said to Jaye, “Hey, I really like this one.” She ended up burning me a copy of that disc and my love for KOL was born.

Manhattan is from KOL’s highly successful fourth studio album “Only by the Night;” you know the one with Use Somebody, Sex on Fire and Be Somebody on hit. Well, I ended up really liking “Only by the Night.” It makes my top 100 albums list and secures these favorite KOL songs of mine: Crawl, I Want You and the aforementioned Manhattan–“gonna show this town how to kiss these stars.” “Only” is a fantastic record. Because of my heavy liking of it, I naturally sought out the rest of KOL’s catalogue. The earlier stuff is raw and rockin. Shout-outs to these KOL tunes from their first two LPs: Four Kicks, California Waiting, Holy Roller Novocain, The Bucket, Red Morning Light, Taper Jean Girl and Slow Night, So Long. Extra credit for Joe’s Head and Molly’s Chambers. I heart those two tunes. When it came down to which KOL disc would make the AOTD, at first it was going to be “Only by the Night.” Do to the number 7’s involvement in these last few days of the year, “Because of the Times” was the clear-cut choice. It is also a pretty damn good record.

Don’t waste a tear on me, this is my disease.

KOL’s third studio output, “Because of the Times” brings a more produced sound to the band and songs that explore more of the scenery along the highway than just keeping on the road. The album feels darker than the previous two and offers a baker’s dozen of interesting, reflective and still KOL edgy music. I embrace these wonderful bags of groceries: Fans, My Party, Trunk, Ragoo, Camaro, McFearless and The Runner. “BOTT” is my friend Heather’s favorite Kings of Leon LP. She also enjoys Fans and Camaro but fancies the opening Knocked Up and the closing Arizona:

“That taste
All I ever needed
All I ever wanted
Too dumb to surrender.”

Add Arizona to my list. And don’t think I have overlooked Black Thumbnail. It gets its own sentence. I take a shower in Black Thumbnail–hot and wet.

I have also enjoyed KOL’s more recent records, “Come Around Sundown” and “Mechanical Bull.” Still, there is just something that draws me to this period in KOL’s career. I will keep following the Leon boys, Caleb, Nathan, Jared and Matthew Followill,
with interest and hope they will continue to bring us their highly enjoyable music.