365, Album of the Day 2014

One Year, 365 Different Albums.

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#365AOTD 328 “Rossini: The Barber of Seville” (1816)* James Levine, London Symphony Orchestra 1975

The Barber of Seville

When I decided on this project, I knew I wanted to do an Opera. Because I’m not a go to for opera, I asked my college choir director, Alexa, an accomplished opera singer in her own right, what she suggested. Without giving any other choices and with no hesitation, she recommended “Il barbiere di Siviglia.” She also added to hear the one with renowned soprano Beverly Sills. I heeded her advice on both counts.

Composed by Gioachino Rossini, with an Italian libretto by Cesare Sterbini this opera buffa premiered in Rome in 1816. Based on Pierre Beaumarchais’s French comedy Le Barbier de Séville (1775), “The Barber of Seville” is probably considered the greatest comic opera ever composed. ^ Whilst I won’t explore the plot, you can read a synopsis about the opera here. What I can say is that after two and a half hours, I am exhausted. I wish I had a time for a nap. Actually, with nothing to compare it to, this recording of “Barber” is stellar. Never doubting her taste, I see why Alexa picked this one. Sills is stunning as Rosina as are the rest of the ensemble. I have spent a few blogs this year talking about some of the greatest singers in popular music. And while I stand by my own personal opinions about whom are the best and the ones I like the most, let’s stop the presses right now and give an enormous shout-out to the amazing singers on this recording and to all the great opera singers as a whole. It is extraordinary what these artists are able to do with their instruments–the voice. Unless you are immersed into the genre, we unfortunately never give opera performers their do. My guess is that they are okay with this. Their mere act of singing such wonderful music like Rossini’s “Barber,” is a sacred act of God. After today’s listen I fully understand the attraction to opera and hope that I will do a better job seeking it out now and then.

All be it long, this was a joy today to listen to Rossini’s spectacular score and all of the musicians and vocalists on this “The Barber of Seville” offering. During this week of thanksgiving and gratitude, I am again humbled and in awe of the breadth of music.


*”ROSSINI The Barber of Seville”
James Levine, conductor; Beverly Sills ( Rosina ); Nicolai Gedda ( Almaviva ); Sherrill Milnes ( Figaro ); Renato Capecchi
( Bartolo ); Ruggero Raimondi ( Don Basilio ); Fedora Barbieri ( Berta ); John Alldis Choir; London Symphony Orchestra.

Labels, EMI Classics, 1975 Warner Classics, 2007
